the adventuresofminnie&fergus
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
update long overdue the family
hi, nancybrownowl here , just cant get rid of the name retired now from guiding u.k.(GIRL SCOUTS) havent been in here in ages and thot id see if i was still here wasnt sure if i would have been put off because i havent been writing any blogs. my daughter Elizabeth and her 3 daughters have now been in western australia for over a year and been a very trying year for granda and I.
the girls spent there 11th 13th and 18th birthdays in australia Erin was 13there and seems to have came on healthwise with her epilepsey which she took age 7yrs. she now has moved into senior school. Jaye has been going crazy with sport and has grown a lot taller now and both erin and jaye keep up with friends from school in scotland via facebook .Carina she has settled down and enjoying meeting new friends . there mum elizabeth cant believe how quick the first year has flown in.they are not near a beach they are out in the goldfields has a lovely town called kalgoorlie . 2 yrs to go and elizabeth who is a school teacher will have another replacement to another town of her choosing they want near a beach they just love it.now we onto Fergus and Minnie HAHA!!!!
Took time for both dogs to settle with out kids around and elizabeth for she just spoiled them rotten. Fergus still as grumpy but loves cuddles and when minnie not looking steals her dinner that she has left afters tut tut !!.minnie is minnie she dont let him off with anything she steals his wee snack and hides it under her blanket !! when fergus has a bone he still goes into the garden and digs the earth in the flower pot and covers it with earth. Minne cant climb into the flower tub .weather been very wet just now seems a long winter so the get there wee half hour walk with granda .Both dogs were away to the vet for there booster and check up was so funny driving down to the vet this week i said to the dogs lol here you going to the vet so granda answered sheeeeee dont tell them they will go mad !!! well i laughed was so funny talking to them as human was waiting on an answer tee hee. anyway when we got there opened car door and first out and did a runner was Minnie yes we got her granda stood on her leish so her bid for freedom was stopped quickly. we managed to get into the vets with out anymore escapes after there weigh in then there jags and the rest we were able to go away happy but £100 out of pocket (well granda was )just as we left the the vets room Fergus let us down he went a peed against the table leg all i could say was sorry about that but was done so fast the vets shoe got wet as well she just laughed it off . thank goodness we dont go back for another 6 months.
the girls spent there 11th 13th and 18th birthdays in australia Erin was 13there and seems to have came on healthwise with her epilepsey which she took age 7yrs. she now has moved into senior school. Jaye has been going crazy with sport and has grown a lot taller now and both erin and jaye keep up with friends from school in scotland via facebook .Carina she has settled down and enjoying meeting new friends . there mum elizabeth cant believe how quick the first year has flown in.they are not near a beach they are out in the goldfields has a lovely town called kalgoorlie . 2 yrs to go and elizabeth who is a school teacher will have another replacement to another town of her choosing they want near a beach they just love it.now we onto Fergus and Minnie HAHA!!!!
Took time for both dogs to settle with out kids around and elizabeth for she just spoiled them rotten. Fergus still as grumpy but loves cuddles and when minnie not looking steals her dinner that she has left afters tut tut !!.minnie is minnie she dont let him off with anything she steals his wee snack and hides it under her blanket !! when fergus has a bone he still goes into the garden and digs the earth in the flower pot and covers it with earth. Minne cant climb into the flower tub .weather been very wet just now seems a long winter so the get there wee half hour walk with granda .Both dogs were away to the vet for there booster and check up was so funny driving down to the vet this week i said to the dogs lol here you going to the vet so granda answered sheeeeee dont tell them they will go mad !!! well i laughed was so funny talking to them as human was waiting on an answer tee hee. anyway when we got there opened car door and first out and did a runner was Minnie yes we got her granda stood on her leish so her bid for freedom was stopped quickly. we managed to get into the vets with out anymore escapes after there weigh in then there jags and the rest we were able to go away happy but £100 out of pocket (well granda was )just as we left the the vets room Fergus let us down he went a peed against the table leg all i could say was sorry about that but was done so fast the vets shoe got wet as well she just laughed it off . thank goodness we dont go back for another 6 months.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Hi folks its Fergus there . its so !!!! early here i woke nanny for a wee pee lol. she wasn't to happy as it was 4 am and bitter cold as for Minnie she snoring as usuall. Well my wee family in Australia are coming to terms that there are plenty bugs there , mommy finished up in hospital she got bite by a bug on her hand and it went up like a balloon then she had to get a few shots and got some steroids all is well now . Then there was my big sister Carina she thought she would enjoy the night air and sat out for a spell guess what she had in the morning 47 bites poor sis. Erin and Jaye had fun counting them all I bet they missed a few . I told Carina to make up some water and vinager and sponge them down as it takes the itch out but she said she not going to smell like a fish supper lol so ( another old granny recipe not put to use (see them young ones )
So very cold today and has to snow again the weatherman says I hope he is wrong cause its too cold to go out and go walkies as my undercarrige gets so wet as i'm only a small dog grrrrrrr!!!! well I dont have too much to say as its still early will sign off and get another nap ,I will leave nanny here to try put another pic on here she realy rubbish makes a hash of it everytime lol cheerio for now Fergus i guess i better put Minnies name down too or she will go in the huff ! women huh!!
Friday, 19 February 2010
Fergus and Minnies family have emigrated to OZ
Hi Folks. well here we are again back with our wee snippets of info about our mum and 3 sisters who emigrated to Australia.
All 4 went from Glasgow on 11. 2. 201o.they had another to plane to Perth australia. they had a good flight but near the end of the Perth flight it got a wee bit bumpy.They were met at the airport and were taken to a a hotel where they were to live there for 2 weeks swimming pool was a must as Erin and Jaye just loved the water as it was so hot!.
so there time in Perth was sight seeing and B B Q galore. mum Had to buy us new beds so off to IKEA they went , the beds got sent on with lots of other things to there new home.When they arrived at there destination they had another week in another hotel before they could move into the house .At last the day came they moved in a place at last to call home !!. Erin and Jaye got there new uniforms a lovely blue with matching t-shirt skorts look like half shorts have skirt and a sun hat . when Erin saw the hat she was upset she didnt want to wear a hat poor lass. rule is no hat no play!!as for Jaye she was pleased as punch !! as blue is her football team she loves .They now in scool 3 weeks and mummy is in the same school as them doing primary 5. well thats all for now but will write again cheerio for now god bless you all that read this
love from nancybrownowl fergus and minnie woof!!!! woof !!!!
All 4 went from Glasgow on 11. 2. 201o.they had another to plane to Perth australia. they had a good flight but near the end of the Perth flight it got a wee bit bumpy.They were met at the airport and were taken to a a hotel where they were to live there for 2 weeks swimming pool was a must as Erin and Jaye just loved the water as it was so hot!.
so there time in Perth was sight seeing and B B Q galore. mum Had to buy us new beds so off to IKEA they went , the beds got sent on with lots of other things to there new home.When they arrived at there destination they had another week in another hotel before they could move into the house .At last the day came they moved in a place at last to call home !!. Erin and Jaye got there new uniforms a lovely blue with matching t-shirt skorts look like half shorts have skirt and a sun hat . when Erin saw the hat she was upset she didnt want to wear a hat poor lass. rule is no hat no play!!as for Jaye she was pleased as punch !! as blue is her football team she loves .They now in scool 3 weeks and mummy is in the same school as them doing primary 5. well thats all for now but will write again cheerio for now god bless you all that read this
love from nancybrownowl fergus and minnie woof!!!! woof !!!!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
update on minnie and fergus xx
hi everyone we have been awol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have you missed us 2 wee dogs Minnie and Fergus.
Well here i am Minnie im having to get my identity tag rezoned as my mummy is going to live in Australia and i will be officialy adopted by granny and granda. My mummy leaves 11th Jan 2010 with my three sisters who are humane lol,we will miss them very much but we have to sit on grannys knee and bark to them via skype phone call plus there is a web cam !!!!!!!!granny said she wil have to wear her make up so she dont look too old lol. hahaha.not to sure about granda tho he never been on a computer so it will be fun fergus not saying too much tonight as its 12 midnight in scotland and he snoring below the bed .We both got to go get our check ups at the vets and get a few shots (no if you thinking we going were not emigrating ) only our mummy and the girls . will try keep a wee update on there journeys xxcheerio for now woof woof from Minnie and Fergusxxxxxxxx
Well here i am Minnie im having to get my identity tag rezoned as my mummy is going to live in Australia and i will be officialy adopted by granny and granda. My mummy leaves 11th Jan 2010 with my three sisters who are humane lol,we will miss them very much but we have to sit on grannys knee and bark to them via skype phone call plus there is a web cam !!!!!!!!granny said she wil have to wear her make up so she dont look too old lol. hahaha.not to sure about granda tho he never been on a computer so it will be fun fergus not saying too much tonight as its 12 midnight in scotland and he snoring below the bed .We both got to go get our check ups at the vets and get a few shots (no if you thinking we going were not emigrating ) only our mummy and the girls . will try keep a wee update on there journeys xxcheerio for now woof woof from Minnie and Fergusxxxxxxxx
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Car Alarm Bell is ringing!!!!!
Hi folks its me again fergus and minnie are at my daughters this week end we have had our other daughters dog he is called Alfie and is a springer spanial and springer by name too!!!!!! watch out when Alfie is about is the shout. he eats anything insite if you not fast your last lol you lost what you were about to put into the pot. Anyway no dogs about so all is calm now tho Fergus and Minnie arrive with the kids at 7.45.am tomorrow morning.
Last week i was out in my car shopping and there was a funny noise coming from the car I parked at our community centre and one of the nursery nurses came out it was her lunch time she asked what was wrong as I was all over the car, had the boot open the doors 4 of them open .Well I started to explain and suddenly it stopped so was glad of that she went on her way I went into the centre as it was lunch club day . Off I went into the centre next thing I opened the door the alarm started again WHAT THE HECK!!!!!says I to Sally the caretaker I said I think its my car alarm lol she said never mind the alarm where is wee may i usually pick up a little old lady for the lunch club. so with no thot of the car i had to skoot away and pick up my charge . I came back we had lunch guess what when i went to the door to go out the alarm started screeching I yelled oh no! not again just then i put my hand in my pocket and guess what I brought out a my hearing aid which id just got and wasnt sure how to work it as it was noisy in the car I took it off when driving and forgot about it YUKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE ME LIKE .
Last week i was out in my car shopping and there was a funny noise coming from the car I parked at our community centre and one of the nursery nurses came out it was her lunch time she asked what was wrong as I was all over the car, had the boot open the doors 4 of them open .Well I started to explain and suddenly it stopped so was glad of that she went on her way I went into the centre as it was lunch club day . Off I went into the centre next thing I opened the door the alarm started again WHAT THE HECK!!!!!says I to Sally the caretaker I said I think its my car alarm lol she said never mind the alarm where is wee may i usually pick up a little old lady for the lunch club. so with no thot of the car i had to skoot away and pick up my charge . I came back we had lunch guess what when i went to the door to go out the alarm started screeching I yelled oh no! not again just then i put my hand in my pocket and guess what I brought out a my hearing aid which id just got and wasnt sure how to work it as it was noisy in the car I took it off when driving and forgot about it YUKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE ME LIKE .
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